Delete a Group

To delete a group and all of its campaigns, tracking numbers, users and settings follow the steps below:

  • Click on ‘Group & User’ on the left-hand menu
  • Scroll down until you see the Sub Group for Account section and select the (+) symbol to the far right
  • Click on ‘Delete’, located to the far right of each group.
  • A prompt will pop up with information on everything that the group has and will be deleted. Enter ‘Yes’ to approve and select ‘OK’

You can also delete a group by following these steps:

  • First, use the breadcrumb to navigate to the group you are going to delete and select ‘Apply’
  • Click on ‘Group & User’ on the left-hand menu
  • Click on the ‘Delete This Group’ button.
  • A prompt will show with information on everything that the group has and will be deleted. Enter ‘Yes’ to approve and select ‘OK’

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